Bjoern Michaelsen

a hanseatic productivity liberator. -- also: Founder & Director at @tdforg
2011-2020, Sun alumni, now hauling cloudy containers

  • Unbundling the big ball of mud
Björn Balazs

Björn is Psychologist and works as UX guy and project manager. His involvement
with free software began in the early 2000s when he helped to start the Open
Usability initiative. He has since worked on user research and UX for
different FLOSS projects, like LibreOffice or KDE. At the same time he has
always been a privacy activist. This struggle between the UX need for
gathering personal data and the idealism of the data activist drives him for

  • Let's fix the personal data problem.
Caolán McNamara

Long term contributor to LibreOffice

  • GTK4 Port
Cesar Brod

He felt in love with Unix and its Philosophy in the early 1990’s and became a Linux user before the kernel reached version 1.0. Since 1997 he has been living out of Free and Open Source related services and he is a true believer Agile and Linux are two tales of a same community. Cesar has also worked with educational institutions in Brasil helping create success business models using Free and Open Source Technology enterprises, generating employment and income for hundreds of people. He also wrote books on agile methodologies, computer programming, technology in education and if you look carefully into the Kindle store you will find also a novel and a sci-fi story. Cesar translated several books into Portuguese (such as The Mythical Man-Month and The Design of Design, both by Fred Brooks, Jr.) and reviewed a good amount of articles and books both in English and Portuguese (such as The $1 Prototype, by Greg Nudelman).

  • There are no shortcuts to the magical world of technology (LPI)
  • Security in a Nutshell with Linux Essentials (LPI)
  • Como se crean las certificaciones LPI desde Cero (LPI)
Christian Lohmaier

also known as cloph around the project, have been with the project since the beginning. Working for The Document Foundation as release engineer and system administrator.

  • The Crashreporter Service used by LibreOffice
Cor Nouws
  • A year of COOL ...
DaeHyun Sung

I'm LibreOffice Korean Team leader, contributor, and translator. also, I'm GNOME & KDE Korean Contributor and GNOME Korean Translator. I contributed some FLOSS, such as, GNU libunistring, LibreOffice, KDE, GNOME. Also, I'm TDF Membership and GNOME Foundation Member in Korea and openSUSE Asia Organization Korean member. I'm interested in Open Source related things (Development, Translation, Contribution, Communities), East Asian Languages (such as Korean dialects, Japanese, Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian, etc), East Asian cultural sphere. My hobby is learning Languages such as English, Japanese (日本語), Mandarin Chinese (華語, 漢語 / 汉语), etc.

  • The challenge of Using LibreOffice & Building Local Community in Korea
Dennis Roczek

Volunteer to LibreOffice (mainly wiki and infra), in the MC for 3 years.

  • A new open source tool for managing applications: The new Membership Commitee's web-tool
Florian Effenberger

Florian has been a free and open source enthusiast for more than 17 years. He works for The Document Foundation, the nonprofit behind LibreOffice and previously volunteered in marketing and infrastructure. As a student, he designed educational computer systems for schools, including software deployment based on free software and was a frequent contributor to a variety of professional magazines worldwide on topics such as free software, open standards and legal matters. A proud uncle, he loves to spend time with the family and occasionally blogs about various topics, including community building, free and open source software and computer networks. Based around Munich, he helped to create the local open source meetings and shaped the tasty idea of open source cooking.

Private blog:

  • Closing Session, with closing address by Lothar Becker
  • Opening Session, with welcome address by Lothar Becker
  • Q&A Session with BoD and MC
Gabriele Ponzo

An early adopter from the StarOffice days, joined Progetto Linguistico Italiano OpenOffice during the 2009 Conference in Orvieto, and has been part of community until LibreOffice was born. Training, professional wordprocessing and support are his most common activities and he's been working on LibreUmbria and LibreDifesa projects as a teacher.

He is a founder of LibreItalia, where he's also in the Board of Directors as vice president. His contributions are mostly speaking at conferences, some translations, and user support on the Italian and international mailing lists Certified TDF Trainer and Migration Expert from February 2015.

  • Creating professional templates with LO Writer
Gabriele Ponzo

An early adopter from the StarOffice days, he joined Progetto Linguistico Italiano OpenOffice during the 2009 Conference in Orvieto, and has been part of community until LibreOffice was born. Training and support are his most common activities and he's been working on LibreUmbria and LibreDifesa projects as a teacher.

He is a founder of LibreItalia, where he's also been in the Board of Directors. His contributions are mostly speaking at conferences, some translations, and user support on the Italian and international mailing lists, G+ community. Certified Trainer and Migration Expert from February 2015.

  • Introduction to TDF Membership
Heiko Tietze

As UX mentor at The Document Foundation, I care about usability and design around LibreOffice, support volunteers, and bring together interests from users with the developers' perspective.

  • LibreOffice Calc Survey: User Characteristics, Usability, and Future Enhancements
Hernan Pachas

I have participated in Free Software projects since the 90s. Today from LPI, I am focused on generating alliances and business in Spanish speaking countries. I have collaborated with the Ministry of Education of the Government of Peru in Free Software and Open Source projects. I am a Professor and researcher of free technologies at Universidad Peruana. Involved in business around free software to generate an ecosystem where people and companies increase their opportunities. I love my family and I am a faithful believer that if you do good things, good things will happen to you.

  • Como se crean las certificaciones LPI desde Cero (LPI)

Hossein Nourikhah is the Developer Community Architect at the Document Foundation (TDF). Hossein is a developer, university lecturer and FOSS advocate. He has a Ph.D. and a M.Sc. in Information Technology, and a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering (Software).

  • LibreOffice SDK Examples Overhaul
  • Getting Started with LibreOffice Development
Ilmari Lauhakangas

Development Marketing at The Document Foundation. Mentoring new LibreOffice contributors into development, quality assurance, design and documentation. Web developer since 2010. Lives in Helsinki, Finland.

  • A legendary bug reporter
Italo Vignoli
  • State of the Project and Marketing Plan Update
  • Q&A Session with BoD and MC
Italo Vignoli

Italo Vignoli is a founding member of The Document Foundation and the LibreOffice project, an Open Source Initiative (OSI) board member, and the Chairman Emeritus of Associazione LibreItalia. He co-leads LibreOffice marketing, PR and media relations, co-chairs the certification program, and is a spokesman for the project.

  • Closing Session, with closing address by Lothar Becker
  • Update about ODF Advocacy
  • LibreOffice Technology, a FOSS platform for personal productivity
  • Opening Session, with welcome address by Lothar Becker
  • Announcement about LibreOffice Certification
  • Open Source and Open Standards for Digital Sovereignty
  • LibreOffice: Improving the Project Sustainability
Jean-Pierre Ledure

Engineer in applied mathematics
Author of the Access2Base library

  • ScriptForge 7.2
Jona Azizaj

I have been part of the FOSS community since 2014, where I started getting involved with the Open Labs Hackerspace in Albania. Currently, I'm living in the Czech Republic and working as a Community Manager at GoodData.

I enjoy working with communities and contributing to FOSS. I'm part of the Membership Committee at The Document Foundation.

  • LibreOffice Community Survey - retrospective feedback
Juan Ibarra

Juan Ibarra is a Systems Analyst and university professor at the Polytechnic Faculty of the National University of the East in Paraguay. With 10 years of experience in IT, he has been using Linux and open source technologies since the beginning of his professional career as a web developer, data analyst and currently as Partner Success Manager(PSM) for the LPI.

  • Como se crean las certificaciones LPI desde Cero (LPI)
Koji Annoura

He is a member of the LibreOffice Japanese team.
He was awarded Graph Community MVP Asia 2020 for Neo4j Graph Database.
Currently, he is moving to development using Neo4j and GraphQL, a GRANDstack framework.
He attended LibreOffice Conference 2019 (Almeria, Spain) and participated in LT.
Also, he is a speaker at LibreOffice Kaigi 2021 Online.

  • GraphQL Extension for LibreOffice
Lothar Becker
  • Closing Session, with closing address by Lothar Becker
  • Opening Session, with welcome address by Lothar Becker
  • Q&A Session with BoD and MC
Marco Cecchetti

I am from Italy, I studied Mathematics at University of Pisa.

I contributed to several open source project, Inkscape, Visual Toolkit (VTK) and (obviously) LibreOffice.
One of my best project was implemented on Google Summer of code where I, partially, ported the Impress animation engine from C++ to Javascript so that was possible to export a presentation to an SVG document, with all included effects and slide transitions running in any enough modern browser.

I am working as a software engineer at Collabora by 6 years. I contribute to bug fixing, and implementing news feature both for the Desktop and Online version of LibreOffice.

  • Some improvements for the SVG export filter
Marco Marinello

Computer Science student interested in it since was a child. Freelance Developer and Sysadmin, active developer of the FUSS project. Challenges and free software lover.

  • Building (and using) LibreOffice Online... again
Maria Berg

I am a new addition to the LibreOffice design team. I come from a professional background in business intelligence and finance. However, I am passionate about user experience design, user research, and everything data-related.

  • LibreOffice Calc Survey: User Characteristics, Usability, and Future Enhancements
Marina Latini

Marina Latini studied Computer Science at the University of Perugia, and is a free software advocate since 2007, promoting free software and open standards. In 2010, she was one of the first Italian members of the LibreOffice community and from 2016 until February 2020 she served as board member of The Document Foundation. From September 2020 she is a member of the Membership Committee of The Document Foundation. She has also been an active member of the Fedora Project from 2009 to 2013, and she is an openSUSE advocate since October 2011.

Marina co-founded Associazione LibreItalia and has been involved in several events, migrations and training related to LibreOffice. She worked previously at Studio Storti and CIB at migrations and trainings to LibreOffice for the Italian Public Administrations and as a senior migrations and deployments engineer.

Since 2020, Marina works at SUSE as a Maintenance Release Coordination Engineer.

  • LibreOffice Community Survey - retrospective feedback
  • openSUSE maintenance, when several projects cooperates for making LibreOffice a solid productivity suite
  • Q&A Session with BoD and MC
Michael Meeks

Michael is a Christian and enthusiastic Open Source developer. He runs
Collabora's Office division, leading our Collabora Online and Office
products, supporting customers and consulting on development alongside
an extremely talented team. He serves as a Director of the The
Document Foundation, and on the LibreOffice Engineering Steering
Committee; he has contributed to both ODF and OOXML standardization.
Prior to Collabora he gained a wide experience as a Novell/SUSE
Distinguished Engineer working on various pieces of Free Software
infrastructure across the Linux stack to from the base-system,
boot-time, MeeGo, GNOME, CORBA, Nautilus, Evolution and Open Source
accessibility, among others.

  • COOL performance
  • Collabora Keynote
Michael Stahl

Joined the Sun Hamburg Writer team in 2007, and quarreling with various parts of OOo/LO since then; nowadays fixing bugs our customers need fixed in LibreOffice, employed by allotropia software GmbH.

  • How to debug Writer, forwards and backwards (Epsiode 2)
  • ODF Status Update 2021 Edition
Mike Kaganski

Located in Moscow, happy to be part of Collabora Productivity and LibreOffice community :)

  • Multi-column support in LibreOffice 7.2
Mike Saunders

Mike Saunders works since 2016 as Marketing and Community Coordinator for The Document Foundation. He is also a technology journalist covering free and open source software, and has written his own operating system, MikeOS.

  • Getting the word out - to users and to potential contributors
Miklos Vajna

Miklos got involved with development in 2010 when he completed
two Google Summer of Code projects to improve the RTF import/export filter of
Writer. Later he became a full-time LibreOffice Writer developer for SUSE, now
a contractor at Collabora.

  • Gutter margin in Writer page styles
Miklos Vajna

Miklos got involved with development in 2010 when he completed
two Google Summer of Code projects to improve the RTF import/export filter of
Writer. Later he became a full-time LibreOffice Writer developer for SUSE, now
a contractor at Collabora.

  • Gutter margin in Writer page styles
Muhammet Kara

Muhammet Kara is from Turkey, member/translator/developer/advocate of various FOSS projects since early 2000s, and he has been contributing to LibreOffice in various ways since 2016, including code contributions, translation, QA work, marketing/advocacy, taking part in the Design Team as a developer.

  • Introduction to TDF Membership
Noel Grandin

Lives in Cape Town, South Africa, Writes Java and C++, Has a wonderful wife and two very cute children

  • I feel the need... The need for speed.....
Olivier Hallot

LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator, main LibreOffice translator for Brazilian Portuguese.

Graduated Electronic Engineer in 1982, MSc in Digital Signal Processing in 1985 and MBA in Oil
& Gas industry in 2001. He initiated his career as Associate Researcher for digital signal processing
in the IBM Scientific Center in Brasilia, Brazil, for the Oil & Gas industry in seismic data
processing and high performance computing. Later he moved to marketing and sales for the same
industry all over Latin America. In 1998 he joined Oracle Brazil in sales for the Oil & Gas industry
and later as Alliance relationship manager for large hardware manufacturers as well as with the
Oracle Academic Initiative. Since 2002 and on his own, he participated actively in FLOSS projects
notably in as Community Council member and as one of the translators of for Brazilian Portuguese.

  • Converting LibreOffice Guides into Web Pages
Rafael Lima

Rafael Lima is a Computer Scientist, holds a PhD in Production Engineering and works as a professor and researcher in a Brazilian university. Rafael joined the LibreOffice Documentation Team in 2020 and later joined the ScriptForge team in 2021 where he has been contributing by writing and translating help pages as well as creating examples.

  • Python scripts in LibreOffice Calc using the ScriptForge library
Regis Perdreau

Work for a french company involved in free software, LibreOffice, Collabora support
Teacher for Arduino and other embedded technologies. Live in France.
Promote LibreOffice and use of opensource software.

  • Navigate easily through libreoffice code with Sourcetrail and Vscode
Samuel Mehrbrodt

Working on LibreOffice for allotropia software GmbH.

  • Color Filter in Calc
  • Edit LibreOffice files directly from Nextcloud web interface
Sarper Akdemir
  • PPTX footer export & import interoperability
Shinji Enoki

Shinji Enoki is a member of LibreOffice Japanese Team since 2011. He is a member of The Document Foundation since 2014. He focuses on planning of events and sometimes on QA activities. His other community activities is a vice-chairperson of Japan UNIX Society and a staff of KANSAI OPEN SOURCE, and more. He is freelance, and he is developing LibreOffice support business with iCRAFT Corp.

  • State of CJK issues of LibreOffice, 2021 edition
Stanislav Horáček

Stanislav Horáček is a programmer by profession and long-term LibreOffice contributor, member of TDF since 2014. He deals mainly with LO localization to the Czech language, recently also with maintenance of spellcheck dictionaries, and also enjoys promotion of the office suite at events in the Czech Republic.

  • Enhancing a spellcheck dictionary by Wikidata lexemes
Szymon Kłos

LibreOffice hacker since 2014. In the recent years, focused on bringing LibreOffice technology to the web with Collabora Productivity.

  • JSDialogs improvements over the past year
Thorsten Behrens

Leading the LibreOffice Team at allotropia.

Thorsten was part of the project almost from the start when he joined the then-Sun Microsystems development team back in early 2001. He's a computer scientist by education, and a Free Software enthusiast by heart, a geek from early childhood - and someone who was lucky enough to turn a hobby into an occupation.
During his now twenty years of tenure in the project, he's spent most of his time hacking the code in areas ranging from the build system and platform abstraction libraries, through to Impress and Writer. Thorsten is a former co-lead of the late graphical system layer project, member of the OASIS ODF technical committee, and technical advisor on the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 working group 4.

  • allotropia Keynote
  • GSoC pannel
  • LibreOffice in the browser, live and in color!
Timothy Brennan

Timothy originated from an American (USA) family, but was raised in Brazil like his parents. He is fluent in both US English and Brazilian Portuguese besides being a dual, American and Brazilian, citizen. He is also an open source software enthusiast knowing the value of having freely available tools for high level learning.
He is married to a beautiful young Brazilian lady and has a son and a daughter with her who are also dual citizens and fluent in both languages.

  • Expediting the Brazilian Portuguese Documentation Process.
Tomaž Vajngerl
  • Improved document searching with LibreOffice
  • PDF annotations support
  • Built-in "Xray" like UNO object inspector
Uwe Altmann

Starting about 1970 with programming, IT was always a companion of my life. At last this ended up in being engaged since around 15 years in the German-speaking and LibreOffice communities, starting with QA on macOS (X11 version) and helping to represent the project at CeBit, later as a member of the Freies Office e.V. (the founder of TDF) and working in several areas over time. Today, I'm mostly engaged in governance of The Document Foundation; besides my job on the MC I try to help the Board to develop a successor for the "Next Decade Manifesto", which served well for the first ten years as a vision for the community.

  • A new open source tool for managing applications: The new Membership Commitee's web-tool
Xisco Fauli

QA Engineer at The Document Foundation

  • How to write your first test