Björn Balazs

Björn is Psychologist and works as UX guy and project manager. His involvement
with free software began in the early 2000s when he helped to start the Open
Usability initiative. He has since worked on user research and UX for
different FLOSS projects, like LibreOffice or KDE. At the same time he has
always been a privacy activist. This struggle between the UX need for
gathering personal data and the idealism of the data activist drives him for


Let's fix the personal data problem.
Björn Balazs

There will be no world without personal data. So let's shape the alternative. An alternative where we, the free software community bring in our experience, passion and beliefs to create a private world enjoying the benefits of big personal data. This is a call for cooperation.

d) Appealing Libreoffice: Ease of Use, Design and Accessibility
Room 3