Luboš Luňák
Luboš Luňák is a software developer with many years of C++ experience. Having previously worked for years on the KDE project, he now works for Collabora Productivity on LibreOffice. His specialities are benchmarking and optimizing, build tools, bug fixing and magic tricks.
The LibreOffice codebase is relatively large and building it takes a while. This talk will sum up various ways that can help build LibreOffice code in less time.
The LibreOffice codebase is large and with a long history. Reading and understanding existing code may be difficult. This applies to reading code one is not familiar with, but also also to working with familiar code if the API is poorly designed. This talk will show some specific cases of poor API in LibreOffice, discuss ways of how to make it better, and will try to provide some general recommendations to keep in mind when writing code.