Regina Henschel

I have been involved with LibreOffice and its predecessors for more than twenty-five years. I started with user support and bug reporting, now I am a "certified" developer. Graphics are my main interest. I am not associated with any company, but LibreOffice is my hobby.

I have been a member of the ODF technical committee for ten years . During this time, the committee has developed ODF 1.3. Meanwhile, the development of version 1.4 of the standard is in its final phase.

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Using multicolor gradients in file markup
Regina Henschel

This presentation demonstrates usage examples for multicolor gradients, shows the connection to Microsoft Office formats and explains the markup in file as well as in gradient palette.

e) Open Document Format, Document Liberation and Interoperability
Room 1
Using multicolor gradients in Basic macros
Regina Henschel

LibreOffice 7.6 has the new feature "Multicolor gradient". This presentation explains how to use the multicolor gradients in Basic macros.

a) Development, APIs, Extensions, Future Technology
Room 2