LibreOffice Conference 2022

The state of Right-to-Left language support in LibreOffice
2022-09-30, 16:00–16:30 (Europe/Rome), Ricci

LibreOffice supports different languages and language groups, including
those languages written from right to left: Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew and
even N'ko and others.

It is somewhat of a tradition, once every few LOCons, for members of the
right-to-left LO online language-communities to describe the state of
LibreOffice' RTL language support, as perceived by users and QA
contributors rather than project developers.

This session will relate usage experiences of speakers of RTL languages;
survey significant changes since 2018; illustrate outstanding "pain
points" for RTL language users; and suggest avenues of development
effort for taking the support for these languages to the next level.

See also: Slides of the talk

In LO: Active member of the Hebrew and Arabic/Farsi language communities, and the RTL channel/users group; bug reporter and triager.

Otherwise: GPU Enthusiast, retired union organizer, Thunderbird extension developer, semi-retired computer science researcher, analytic DBMS architecture buff, Anarchist anti-Zionist.

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