LibreOffice Conference 2022

Let's calculate with Math using MathType and Mathematica
2022-09-29, 17:00–17:30 (Europe/Rome), Loyola

I use LibreOffice Math to write formulas.

Sometimes I want to use these formulas to perform calculations with variables or to display graphs.

Let's convert the formula to MathType or Mathematica and calculate it.

How is the conversion performed?

How is the formula structured?

How are conversions performed?

How do I pass data to MathType or Mathematica?

How do I get data from MathType or Mathematica?

This presentation will be explained in an easy-to-understand manner with demonstrations.

Koji Annoura has over 40 years of experience as a full-stack developer.
He has been working with agile since 2009 and is one of the founders of the Neo4j Users Group Tokyo/Japan.
And He also founder of the Apache Hop User Group Japan since 2021.
He has been involved in the agile transformation of many companies and teams, and has been involved in the implementation of agile and scrum.
He is one of the authors of "The Practical Guide to MacOS X Server".

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