LibreOffice Conference 2022

Regina Henschel

I worked as a teacher of mathematics and computer science before I retired. I have been using LibreOffice and its predecessors for more than 20 years. My involvement started with user support and writing documentation as well as reviewing bug reports and testing new features. Since about 10 years I also contribute to the code, first in Calc then mainly in Draw. In parallel, I have been a member of the ODF standards committee since 2013.

So LibreOffice is my hobby. My focus of interest is currently on shapes.

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Introduction to feature "limo-stretch" of shapes
Regina Henschel

If you drag the "Rounded Rectangle" shape in the width, the corners remain circular. This is caused by the "limo-stretch" property. If you do the same with the shape "Rounded Rectangular Callout" the corners become ellipses.
In my presentation I explain how the property "limo-stretch" is defined in the file format and how this feature is implemented in LibreOffice.
The presentation is intended for developers and for designers of shapes.

Development, APIs, Extensions, Future Technology
Creating 'Fontwork' geometries beyond the predefined shapes
Regina Henschel

LibreOffice provides a fixed set of Fontwork geometries in its 'Fontwork Gallery'. The OOXML standard provides a fixed set of similar shapes called 'Text Warp', MS Office calls them 'WordArt' or 'abc Transform'. However, the ODF standard allows you to create your own geometries, and LibreOffice is able to use them.

The workshop shows you how a 'Fontwork' shape works in principle and guides you to your first own Fontwork shapes. You will work directly on the file markup. So you need an editor in addition to LibreOffice and should have a basic knowledge of XML.

Open Document Format, Document Liberation and Interoperability