Building a successful Open Source business around LibreOffice
2024-10-10, 16:00–16:30 (Europe/Luxembourg), C1.05.02

Come and hear about some of the challenges and successes of building an open-source business around LibreOffice from Collabora Productivity's perspective. Engage with some of the various types of
open source business strategies that I've work with through my career. Hear about some of the
approaches that I've seen in action and their strengths & weaknesses.

Hear a little about the state of open source business around LibreOffice and some ideas about how the ecosystem of companies that contribute significant work back to the project can be strengthened
and grown.

Michael is a Christian and enthusiastic Open Source developer. He is the CEO of Collabora Productivity, overseeing an extremely talented team developing Collabora Online, and supporting our customers and
partners alongside the community. He has served as a Director of the The Document Foundation and has contributed to both ODF and OOXML standardization. Prior to Collabora he gained a wide experience as a Novell/SUSE Distinguished Engineer working on various pieces of Free Software infrastructure across the Linux stack to from the base-system, boot-time, MeeGo, GNOME, CORBA, Nautilus, Evolution and Open Source accessibility, among others.

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