Working with LibreOffice odt and VML, a plain text markup language
2024-10-11, 10:00–10:30 (Europe/Luxembourg), Auditorium

A tool for conversion and simple text markup called VML "Vishia Markup Language" is shown. The VML is simple and powerful to fulfill the requirements of texts mapped to the LibreOffice content.xml format. Only indirect formatting is supported, as is usual for commercial (technical) documents.
Working directly in LibreOffice for wysiwig and in parallel in VML plain text with current translation has some advantages in the workflow, which will be shown.

You can find some videos explaining it and the documentation on The tool and the working approach is used by myself for another project I want to document: Using LibreOffice for graphical programming in Embedded Control. The development has been new for about three months, my own experience with it is good. The presentation is to show the concept and offer the application of the concept for other people, also to discuss useful improvements.

Born in 1956, studied "Technical Cybernetics and Automation Technology" at the Technical University in Ilmenau 1974..78. Entry into microcomputer technology with concrete work in 1978 (basis Z80, construction of his own "Microcombi"). From 1994 to 2021 work for Siemens AG, programming high-performance electrical converters and also debugging tools for them. Experience in function block programming (Simulink and more) and also UML (Unified Modeling Language), experience in hardware and embedded control, and also in documentation. Working is Freelancer since 2021 (and also sometimes before). Own web page

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