Shinji Enoki
Shinji Enoki is a member of LibreOffice Japanese Team since 2011. He is a member of The Document Foundation since 2014, Membership Committee deputy since 2020. He manages events, organizes the Japanese community, answers questions on Ask, and occasionally does QA activities. His other community activities is a volunteer staff of Japan UNIX Society and KANSAI OPEN SOURCE, OpenStreetMap and more. He is freelance, and he is developing LibreOffice support business with iCRAFT Corp.
LibreOffice has various CJK features. They sometimes break, should be reported and resolved by CJK users. In this talk, I will introduce some reported and fixed CJK bugs in the past year, some not fixed CJK bugs, explain the current state of the JA community and our future challenges. And I'll also talk about plans for next year's Asia Conference.