Akhmad Sofwan

Akhmad Sofwan is a Lecturer and Researcher in Records and Archives management, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia. His research interests are Computer programming, Data Mining and Spatial Data Mining. He is also a Software Developer using Python, JavaScript and PHP.

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Conditions in Python Programming and LibreOffice Calc
Akhmad Sofwan

This talk about Conditions (If, Sumif and Countif) in Python programming and LibreOffice. I will talk about If, countif and sumif applied in Python programming and in LibreOffice Calc. Theory of If, Sumif and Countif with 3 examples from easy to harder ones will be delivered using both of them.
There is If in both of them but Sumif and countif commands only available in LibreOffice Calc while Python programming will use other techniques to obtain same result with Countif and Sumif. In Python programming , data retrieved from Ods file, same with LibreOffice Calc. Pandas is used in Python programming to read the Ods file. Text editor used in Python programming is Pycharm.

ODF and Interoperability
Using LibreOffice Math To Create Formulas in International Scientific Paper
Akhmad Sofwan, Nawindah Nawindah

LibreOffice Math is one of the LibreOffice application tools that functions to type mathematical formulas in detail. LibreOffice Math provides a number of operators, functions, and formatting to help in forming formulas. The use of LibreOffice Math in writing international Scientific Papers is very much needed.
My experience in writing formulas using LibreOffice Math needs to be known for beginners who are just learning to use LibreOffice Math. I will explain the steps so that it can be easily used by beginners who want to use LibreOffice Math. One of the conveniences is that it can be reused to be modified according to the needs in writing papers or other things.

ODF and Interoperability
D.00.01 - 03