ScriptForge 7.2
2021-09-24, 16:00–16:30 (Europe/Berlin), Room 1

ScriptForge libraries build up an extensible collection of macro scripting resources for LibreOffice to be invoked from Basic macros or Python scripts.
Those libraries were integrated in LO 7.1 and upgraded in 7.2.

The libraries include a set of Basic + Python modules and classes covering next topics
+ array handling, including sorts, set operations and interfaces with csv files and Calc sheets
+ string handling, including replacements, regular expressions, encodings, hashing and localization
+ a Dictionary mapping class
+ error handling for both user and ScriptForge scripts
+ FileSystem and TextStream classes for file and directory handling, and text files read & write
+ context information: platform, operating system, directories, ...
+ interconnection of Basic and Python modules
+ management of actual windows and documents
+ forms and their controls
+ automation on Calc sheets
+ dialogs and their controls
+ accessing data contained in databases

Focus will be on:
+ the overall architecture of this piece of software
+ what is new in LibreOffice 7.2
+ Tree controls in dialogs
+ forms and form controls
+ the availability of all ScriptForge services in Python user scripts
+ the user documentation
+ what can be expected in LO 7.3

See also: ScriptForge 7.2 - PDF version

Engineer in applied mathematics
Author of the Access2Base library