Welcome address by Lothar Becker, followed by conference outline and housekeeping instructions by Florian Effenberger and Italo Vignoli
LibreOffice was announced in 2010 as a desktop productivity software for Windows, macOS and Linux. From 2010 to 2020, it has evolved from a single desktop product to a technology platform supporting applications for the desktop, the cloud and mobile. All products share the same engine, which provides superior consistency. The goal of the presentation is to present the different stages of this evolution.
Sponsor's Keynote by Collabora Productivity's Michael Meeks
LibreOffice Certification was established in 2014, for Developers, Migration Professionals and Professional Trainers. We are now announcing the second generation of the project, with a stepped process for Migration Professionals and Professional Trainers, which are now supposed to go through the basic LibreOffice Certification by following online training to access the certification review. This is supposed to make it easy for people outside the project to get certified, even if at basic level, leaving the Professional level to people with more experience and skills. In addition, we will announce Professional Trainer Certification for single applications like Writer and Calc.
Sponsor's Keynote by allotropia's Thorsten Behrens
To ease the work of TDFs Membership Committee (MC), we decided to develop a web based tool to conduct the whole process of getting a member (or renew the membership) of the TDF. This tool is available under a free license and may be useful also for others. The talk will showcase the tool and process supported, as well as the options to modify process' parameters.
Making LibreOffice faster is fun.... If you don't mind re-doing your code 7 times :-) Optimising is an exploratory journey.
The LibreOffice project is aimed at multilingualism, as stated in The Document Foundation's "Our Values" of "Our Next Decade Manifesto" that anyone can translate so that everyone can use it in their mother tongue.
However, LibreOffice developers are mostly in Europe, and in order to use them conveniently in other languages, those who understand those languages need to solve the problem. LibreOffice's CJK and problems unique to the Japanese environment are various such as vertical writing, external characters, phonetic, currency and date notation.
Sometimes CJK regression bugs occur in the LibreOffice project. It is important to strengthen user's feedback loop approach. It is also important to find regression bugs by tests.
In this year's talk, As the first, I will analyze the bug database and introduce the trend. Secondly, introduce some reported and fixed CJK bugs in the past year. Thirdly, introduce some not fixed old CJK bugs.
A brief panorama on how much important templates are and what can be done (and automated) inside them.
LibreOffice development starts with setting up a development environment. After that, you can do the development in your favorite IDE. In the next 90 minutes, I will provide everything you need to know to get started with LibreOffice development: from compiler installation to LODE (LibreOffice Development Environment) setup, in order to be able to build LibreOffice for yourself. Then we talk about some simple tasks from LibreOffice EasyHacks, and try to get our contribution merged into the LibreOffice code base by submitting it to gerrit, and doing the fixes requested by the reviewers.
The talk gives an overview of the individual pieces involved in the crashreporting tooling used by LibreOffice and how it can be used to increase the overall stablility of LibreOffice.
In this presentation we will show the results of the 2021 LibreOffice Calc Usability Survey. The purpose of the survey was to learn more about LibreOffice Calc users and to understand where efforts to improve the software should be allocated.
Latest improvements for the SVG export filters include the support for presentation with slide background represented by bitmaps. The slide background can also be made up of tiles where each tile is represented by a bitmap or a given pattern. The support for such kinds of backgrounds has been implemented in a resource safe way: minimizing both the exported file size and the impact on the browser rendering performance.
Searching for a phrase in multiple documents is not a new thing and many implementations exist, however such searching will usually only provide you if and roughly where in the documents a searched phrase exists. With Collabora Online and LibreOffice we can do better than this and in addition provide the search result in form of a thumbnail of the search location. In this way it is easier for the user to see the context, where the searched phrase is located. For example, if it is located in a table, shape, footer/header, or is it figure text or maybe "alt" text of an image.
Thanks to the sponsor of the work - NLnet Foundation, we are implementing this solution for Writer documents.
Update about downloads, and about development, QA, localization and other community related numbers.
This talk will walk you through the process of writing your first LibreOffice unittest either with Python or with C++
The new feature, its relevance, implementation status, and so on ...
Come and hear all the improvements we have made during the last year
around bringing awesome LibreOffice Technology to the browser in the
form of Collabora Online.
There will be no world without personal data. So let's shape the alternative. An alternative where we, the free software community bring in our experience, passion and beliefs to create a private world enjoying the benefits of big personal data. This is a call for cooperation.
This presentation will describe two real cases where the synergy between different communities and companies resolved high visible issues on LibreOffice, making the fixes available to the whole LibreOffice Community.
After an introduction of what happens under the openSUSE maintenance umbrella, this presentation will focus on how volunteers, the TDF team and three different companies cooperated in identifying, triaging, fixing and testing a case of crash and one of dataloss on LibreOffice.
Collabora Online has a novel model that allows re-using the
LibreOffice code-base to provide rich collaborative editing. Recently
we have been been focusing our development on improving the 'feel' and
slickness of document editing as a key part of user experience. We
have also been working on improving editing performance with larger
numbers of concurrent active editors.
Come and hear about the things that we've found and fixed, both in
COOL and also in the LibreOffice core to improve interactivity and to
make collaborative editing fly.
The talk summarizes recent changes in development of Czech spellcheck dictionaries, with a focus on employing lexemes from Wikidata as a source of words for a new experimental dictionary. Apart from that, an update of the default dictionary and using a new public data set of words will be mentioned.
GraphQL is one of the API integration methods like REST.
When you are using Calc or Base, you can use GraphQL to retrieve and write data for more flexible input and output.
In this session, I would like to talk about how I implemented Extension, how it works, and what problems I have with it.
PPTX footer export & import interoperability
- What were the initial problems
- Footers imported as textboxes (not as Impress understands them)
- Footers don't get exported
- The fix
- If possible import footers as properties (as Impress understands them) if not fallback to the previous implementation
- Export footers
- PPTX placeholder inheritance
- lstStyles (on master placeholders)
- Placeholder indexes (for slide placeholders)
- Better the datetime conversion
- What's left?
- Right now only for slides, not for notes/handouts
- Footer placeholders use the lstStyles but it could be expanded to all of the placeholders, (maybe for better interoperability)
This feature will introduce a new Nextcloud plugin which allows editing LibreOffice files directly from the Nextcloud Web Interface.
Introducing the new color filter feature in LibreOffice Calc.
LibreOffice was capable handling various margins in Writer page styles
already. Be it top, bottom, left, right, inner, outer margins, all working. A
missing piece was support for the gutter margin, which is used when priting
for binding: additional space on the left or at the top, which is nominally
not part of the relevant margin. This means that the Writer document model is
capable of reading this information from DOCX files, render such files
correctly, saving them to ODF and supporting them at the various other layers
of the LibreOffice technology (UI, UNO API, etc). Come and see how this work
is implemented, where are the still rough edges and how you can help.
Come to learn about the exciting world of standards development.
In South Korea, Both OWPML and ODF are a Document format standard as a public sector. But, In South Korea's academic field, the public & private sector, It is still using HWP as a document standard. They are still made and distributed in .hwp format. I'm a Full-time worker(Developer) & University student in Korea. This year, I transferred to Korea National Open University, major in Chinese Language & Literature. As a university student, I talk about the inconvenience of using ODF when making documents in Korea. Also, I introduce the activities of the LibreOffice community since 2020 in Korea.
When developing macros and extensions in LibreOffice it is very useful to have an object inspector. With that tool you inspect the object tree and the methods, properties and interfaces of individual objects to understand its structure. There are quite some different object inspectors available for LibreOffice as extension. Probably the best known is called “XrayTool”, but there were also others like MRI, which was build for a similar purpose and various other more simple object inspectors (for example one is provided as an code example in ODK).
As a tool like this is very valuable it makes sense that it would be provided out-of-the-box by LibreOffice without the need for the user to get it separately. Also the user could even be unaware the such a tool exists. For this reasons The Document Foundation (TDF) put up a tender to create a built-in Xray like UNO object inspector, which was awarded to Collabora and we are now in the process of implementing it.
Talk in English from LPI. Talk in English from LPI. Talk in English from LPI. Talk in English from LPI. Talk in English from LPI.
The ODF Advocacy Open Project at OASIS has been temporarily frozen, for lack of interest from third parties. We are moving the project to TDF, with two main activities: promotion of the ODF Standard Document Format with presentations, and development of a comprehensive bibliography.
How are we reaching out to new users? And how are we getting new contributors on board? This talk will explain all...
This is not an ordinary talk. This is going to be a screencast of using a debugger to find out why Writer crashes in Undo. State of the art tools will be used (i.e. rr+gdb). The intended audience is developers using C++.
Sometimes navigate in a large base of code is a pain. Use of Sourcetrail and Vscode IDE to navigate easily throught LibreOffice code. Demonstration, use case. Useful for beginner developer and occasional...
In Draw, a PDF document can be opened using the PDFium library for rendering, where each page in the Draw document contains an rendered image from the PDF. This mode is useful for viewing PDFs and allows for the best fidelity. With viewing, there is also a need to review and comment and this is where PDF annotations come in as adding the support for the PDF annotations and to support a review based workflow has been one of my recent task at Collabora Productivity.
One of the most advanced uses of spreadsheets is automation by creating macros that perform tasks that go beyond the capabilities of regular functions. In LibreOffice, the main scripting language is Basic, but there is a trend in adopting Python to create user scripts. Starting with LibreOffice 7.2 the ScriptForge library will have Python support for most of its services and methods, which will make it easier for users to create Python scripts. The objective of this talk is twofold: first it will provide a brief overview of how to get started writing Python scripts that use the ScriptForge library and later the Calc service will be introduced, showcasing its main methods. Currently the Calc service has 30 methods and 11 properties that have been documented in the online Help. Hence, this talk seeks to promote ScriptForge and its capabilities among LibreOffice users to boost adoption.
GSoc final panel just to reserve some space for their usual demonstration
ScriptForge libraries build up an extensible collection of macro scripting resources for LibreOffice to be invoked from Basic macros or Python scripts.
Those libraries were integrated in LO 7.1 and upgraded in 7.2.
The Brazilian Portuguese team has developed a quicker process than former ones. With changes in the translation process, by using machine translation, creating a chat group, and finally a weekly one-hour online meeting, the Brazilian documentation team has been able to expedite the translation and publication process. This process will be expounded upon in hopes of being an inspiration and encouragement to many around the globe.
LibreOffice SDK is a tool that helps developers create applications that work with LibreOffice. On the other hand, setting up and running SDK needs external tools like GNU make, zip, cat and sed tools which are provided by Cygwin in Windows.
This talk is about using LibreOffice SDK with minimal set of dependencies, using modern build tools like cmake and qmake.
We present the results of porting the LibreOffice User Guides into web pages aiming to be accessible from a wider set of devices. The do's and dont's of word processing practices as well as the necessary tweaks in the resulting documents will be addressed.
Description of the current state of the GTK4 port.
Following-up from FOSDEM and last year, this talk provides an update, and an actual working demo, of LibreOffice ported to WASM & running in the browser!
Building LibreOffice Online became tricky... again. The talk will briefly go through Online functionalities, status quo, build procedure and integrations.
Talk in Spanish by LPI. Talk in Spanish by LPI. Talk in Spanish by LPI. Talk in Spanish by LPI. Talk in Spanish by LPI.
Talk in Spanish by LPI. Talk in Spanish by LPI. Talk in Spanish by LPI. Talk in Spanish by LPI. Talk in Spanish by LPI.
JSDialogs is a LibreOffice component used to share UI elements with Collabora Online. Recent updates will be presented.
The community survey was designed to guide the Membership Committee (and not only) to improve the support to our members, identify the areas where a focused activity is needed and increase the community base.
Let’s discuss the aggregated results of the community survey – interpret and plan the action items based on the results we will get.
In Writer, SwModify and SwClient have been used extensively as tool to attack a wide set of problems: for messaging, as weak pointers and for reference counting. The talk will show the progress in untangling this big ball of SwClients and SwModifies from the loose end and how it will help in the long run.
Open Source Software and Open Standards – especially document formats – are of key importance for the digital sovereignty strategies of individuals, companies, organisations and governments. Today, user-created content - and the ability to share it transparently - is in the hands of a few companies, which exploit the limited digital culture of users to their advantage. This situation can only be overcome by moving from proprietary to open source software and from proprietary to open standards.
An examination of the work of a prolific LibreOffice bug reporter, Telesto. We will discover how much a single person is able to achieve through an activity usually seen as rather mundane.
Members are a crucial part of The Document Foundation. Therefore, we welcome and value all contributions, be it in development, documentation, infrastructure, design, translation, quality assurance, or marketing. This session is for you if you are interested in learning why you should be a member and how the membership application works. We will also share about the role of the Membership Committee and what we are currently focused on.
LibreOffice was announced in 2010. After 10 years, it was necessary to review and update the strategy based on the evolution of the office suite market, to improve the sustainability model. Enterprises are not supporting the project as much as individual users. Over time, this can represent a threat for the sustainability of the project. We have changed our strategy to educate enterprises about the right approach to FOSS, by giving back to ensure the long term sustainability of the LibreOffice project.
Q&A Session with Board of Directors and Membership Committee
Closing address by Lothar Becker, followed by announcement of upcoming conferences in 2022